How to advertise

Advertising Info

Effective January 1, 2025

HOW TO ADVERTISE Printable .pdf includes the following rate and submission information

Advertising in FSANA’s digital Flight Training News monthly reaches recipients whose focus is on the business of flight training. These are savvy and knowledgeable flight school owners, operators, managers, chief flight instructors and assistant chief flight instructors who are prime targets for advertisers with products and services used in the flight industry. Space is limited.

  • Over 4,200 unique contacts
  • 48% open rate

Generously-sized and priced box ad. One size fits all.
SIZE: 300 x 250 pixels (4.167 x 3.472 inches at 72 ppi/dpi)
Optional: We suggest submitting files at 2x resolution (600 x 500 pixels).
FILE FORMAT: JPEG, PNG or GIF only. No animated GIFs.
RATE per insertion:

1-time rate — $400
3-time rate — $350
6-time rate — $300
12-time rate — $250 

The premiere spot in any newsletter. In our newsletter, the header banner appears directly under the masthead. Contact Debbie for availability.
SIZE: 600 x 125 pixels (8.333 x 1.736 inches at 72 ppi/dpi)
Optional: We suggest submitting files at 2x resolution (1200 x 250 pixels).
FILE FORMAT: JPEG, PNG or GIF only. No animated GIFs.
Rate per insertion:

1-time rate — $1,200
3-time rate — $900
6-time rate — $600
12-time rate — $450

Exclusive header-style banner format, only three guaranteed premium positions: Tier 1, Tier 2, Footer. Contact Debbie for availability.
SIZE: 600 x 125 pixels (8.333 x 1.736 inches at 72 ppi/dpi)
Optional: We suggest submitting files at 2x resolution (1200 x 250 pixels).
FILE FORMAT: JPEG, PNG or GIF only. No animated GIFs.
Rate per insertion:

1-time rate — $1,100
3-time rate — $800
6-time rate — $550
12-time rate — $400

BONUS — All ads are linked to advertiser’s URL.
DEADLINE — New ads are due on the 25th of the month preceding edition month.
Example: April edition, ad deadline March 25
Ads are repeated monthly for the insertion period or until a replacement ad is submitted.
EASY SUBMISSION — Your submission is your reservation.
Submit by email only to Subject line “Newsletter ad
Include in body of email:
  1. Your contact info (name, business name, mailing address, phone#)
  2. URL for ad link (usually your website)
  3. Special instructions, if any
  4. Attach your ad art file (one ad per submission)
PAYMENT — No payment with submission. Payment due upon invoice after publication.
CONTACT Debbie Sparks at 561-767-6826 or