Designee Review and Appeals Board
Request for ReviewDesignee Review and Appeals Board Request for Review (.pdf) This document contains the process and forms for requesting a review from the board.
Our PurposeThis Board was established to provide an objective, un-biased, and deliberate process for review of complaints or actions take against a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE). This Designee Review and Appeals Board, through its actions, will help build confidence and trust in Designed Pilot Examiners and the FAA resulting in a safer aviation community with enhanced communication. This Designee Review and Appeals Board will advocate fairness and respect for all individuals seeking access, accountability of all public employees and DPEs, open communication with the aviation community, and equal access for all who seek action by this board.
Our By-LawsDesignee Review and Appeals Board By-Laws (.pdf)
Our Board Members
Chairman - Glen Pace
Vice Chairman - Randy Rowles
Board Members:
Catherine Cavagnaro
James Clark
John Duggar
Gabe Entrekin
Gregory Feith
David St. George
Kenneth Ramos
Ashley Smith
Ray Spengler
Alternate Board Members:
Jason Blair
Natalie Hoover
Apply to be a member of the board
Designee Review and Appeals Board Member Application (.pdf) This document contains information about our processes and what we expect of prospective board members. It also contains the forms that must be completed to apply to become a board member.