Annual DPE Symposium 2022 wrap

Symposium in Phoenix Wrap

FSANA was pleased to host the second annual symposium for the flight examiner community in Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday and Wednesday October 11-12, 2022.

FAA staff joined DPEs, those who are seeking to become DPEs, and flight training providers for two days of discussion regarding best practices and concerns related to practical tests in the United States. In 2021, at the first annual symposium, DPEs from around the country assembled as a group to share information in a way that had never been done before, setting the stage for this annual event.

Contributing to 2022's success was the inclusion again of FAA representatives to help update attendees on current policy, expected changes coming soon, and what trends they are seeing around the country. A special thanks is due from FSANA and the attendees to the support of the FAA team members that helped provide information and support to the symposium and to all the DPEs around the United States.

FSANA has been actively engaged with supporting DPEs, the work they do, and helping integrate these service providers with flight training providers. Our goal is to have the attendees of this event take what they have learned back to their local areas and improve the collaboration between training providers to enhance standardization and efficiency. 

The only annual symposium for designated pilot examiners

A place and time to get together to learn, connect and give voice:
  • Current DPEs
  • Anyone interested in becoming a DPE
  • Flight school operators
  • Chief flight instructors

Registration includes

  • Entry to professional sessions and workshops
  • Opening reception and dinner
  • 1 luncheon; beverage breaks
REGISTER 2024 > (PDF). 

2022’s Symposium Program

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

9:00Registration Opens
10:00Concurrent Session A: How to Become a DPE
Concurrent Session B: Plans of Action Workshop – Details, Development, Content, and Management
1:00Symposium Opening and Introductions
1:30General Session I: Delivering Quality Customer Service and Practical Tests
2:30Beverage Break
3:00General Session II: Checkride Backlogs, Scheduling, and Working with Flight Training Providers for Efficiency
4:00General Session III: Incorporating the FAA Wings Program into the Practical Test Process
5:30Reception and Dinner

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

8:00Registration Opens
9:00Opening Remarks
9:30General Session IV: FAA Designee Program Update
10:30Beverage Break
11:00General Session V: Airman Testing Programs Update
1:30General Session VI: Tips & Tricks of DMS and IACRA for DPEs
2:30Beverage Break
3:00General Session VII: DPE Best Practices – Advice for DPEs on Specific Operational Areas of Airmen Practical Testing
4:00General Session VIII: Suspension, Termination and Appeals Process
5:00Closing Remarks and Adjournment

Attention non-FSANA members

Join FSANA prior to registering and receive FSANA member rate for the DPE Symposium. With the savings on registration, your membership is paid for ... and then some.

2022 Symposium hotel

FSANA was pleased to host its 2022 DPE Symposium at Marriott Phoenix Airport hotel.